December gives us the opportunity to look forward to change in the upcoming year.  As we approach the winter solstice, we begin a time of preparation and understanding.   In many ancient cultures, winter is a season of deep reflection and self-evaluation of what is to come in the year ahead.  Now is the time to ensure that you are prepared for your upcoming year.   Saturn has passed its mid-point in Sagittarius, and will remain there until December of 2017.  During 2017, we will have a strong Saturn retrograde.    This event will represent the removal of false ideologies of life, and gives us the ability to see and accept reality for what it is, not what we want it to be.
Sagittarius’s archetype is one of visionary dreams, the balance of what is right and wrong, educating everyone to be at the same level and preparing them for greater adventures.    The challenging aspects of this sign can be overly judgmental when individuals do not develop as fast, show impatience when change is not implemented immediately, become overzealous in their ideas and lose perspective of the larger picture.
This aspect means we need to ensure we have established a good foundation for next year.   2017 will offer us many challenges of growth, not only of self, but how we exist within community.   Individuals will need to understand their importance in the collective and that moving forward is aligned with strength and guidance from one another.   The time for segregation and separation is over. Saturn’s nature is to separate and divide these energies, and for us to see the illusions,  lies and  disruptions that prevent people from coming together.   2017 is going to be a year of community; people will need to come together on a larger scale.  The retrograde of Saturn will take place from April to August.   This will be an intense period, so work to gather all resources needed to sustain yourself for years to come.
Saturn is the task master of the chart.  He tests everyone and requires that the work be done complete and satisfactorily.   Here are a few points to navigating 2017 successfully.

Be aware of the role you have in your community.
How have you educated yourself to be a contributing member?
Have you released past ties that challenge your future?

Karmic relationships that are no longer needed
Establish boundaries with those who do not respect yours
Let go of emotions that hold you to a time where you remember things were good
Acknowledged your growth and stepped into your power

Prepared yourself for a year of change

Finally, there will be another large aspect for next year; Saturn will be squaring (challenging, changing, initiating) Chiron.   This time it will cross during Saturn Retrograde and will add one more element to the mix of 2017 changes.  Beginning March 20th and continuing through May 25th, this square is going to require you to learn, heal and teach others.   Chiron, the ancient teacher of the Gods, is being brought forth to help heal and educate those stuck in Karmic traps. The energies being presented are here to align us with a simpler way of life.   This is an important opportunity to educate yourself in an art that fulfills you and contributes to community.   This will be an excellent time to really heal those wounds that trap you and/or keep you from your greater goals.