Chiron is the celestial body of self-healing, wellness, and teaching. Its placement in our chart represents the area where we require the most healing.  Chiron went into Aries which created a huge paradigm shift, offering us a unique perspective into ourselves.    Chiron traverses the heavens spending approximately four to five years in a sign allowing for us to explore the wounds of society within ourselves.    The transiting Chiron activates our inner need for not just putting a bandage on the situation, but for complete resolution.   He will be spending approximately half the year in a retrograde state.

Chiron will be back and forth in Aires; retrograde and direct until 2026.  This is an opportune time for humanity to look deep within itself and remove the base level desires and achieve a greater sense of self.   It is through this time that individuals should be working towards a higher consciousness; one that elevates them above the current fear state that has been imposed.

It is important to note that during this time Chiron is squaring Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto in Capricorn.   There is a struggle for power here (Aries), and the natural born leader is competing with the ego of society for which individuality is at risk.   Lately, the hive mind has become more apparent. This is based upon the transit of Neptune in Pisces which creates the illusion that individual ideas and actions are helpful and beneficial to them, when in fact they are not.  The square with Capricorn is allowing groups to see that individuality is at risk.  The lines between accepting individuals as they are versus making them conform to a single unit is at play.

Society needs to reflect on who we are as individuals and where we are going to allow ourselves to grow.   Chiron, the healer/teacher, is here to show us we are all able to heal ourselves if we allow it.   It requires releasing the ego and embracing the soul aspects of self to realize our full potential.   This potential cannot be taken by anyone unless we let it.   Throughout history, individuals have worked on self-awareness, self-actualization and gaining divine insight to who we are as beings.  Aries is the sign of inception, the great explorer, the one unafraid to tackle new challenges.   Combine this energy with Chiron and we offer great opportunities for healing and teaching others through achieving a greater balance within ourselves.